Saturday, December 27, 2014

My son's other F1 toys

I got a question earlier when I said that my son got another Formula One car for Christmas. It was a request actually asking if I could show a picture or some pictures of the other F1 toys my son has.

He has two more and I think it's probably enough for the moment. I don't wanna force the F1 stuff on him. If he becomes interested of the sport I will buy him more and maybe take him to see or test some karting. I started driving go-karts when I was about 7 years old if I remember correctly. My "teacher" was a Finnish Karting driver Mikael Santavirta and the club I joined was called Micro Monza. It was in Konala, Helsinki. Great memories... Maybe I could show some pictures some day.

But here are the pictures of the toys:

A friend of mine was cleaning his basement and found this. When I was at his place he gave it to me because I am such a F1 freak.

My wife's friend from her office gave our son this because she also knew that I like F1.

If you wanna send my son more toys then feel free to do that! :D