Monday, May 12, 2014


  1. MW -> 26 points
  2. Rich Kewell -> 26 points
  3. AE -> 18 points
  4. Apex Towing Corp -> 16 points
  5. Peter McLaren -> 16 points
  6. JT -> 16 points
  7. Jonathan Riggs -> 16 points
  8. Rab Mckinney -> 16 points
  9. Martin Francis -> 16 points
  10. Liutauras Raulynatis -> 11 points
  11. Elliott Robson -> 11 points
  12. Regina Ehrnrooth -> 8 points
  13. Jon Yountz -> 8 points
  14. Dylan Curry -> 8 points
  15. Craig Lymer -> 3 points
  16. Coilin Higgins -> 3 points
  17. Steven Peli -> 3 points
  18. Shaun Magnano -> 3 points
  19. Larry Gallagher -> 0 points
  20. Richard Gehl -> 0 points
  21. Jaakko livari -> 0 points
  22. Junaid Khan -> 0 points
  23. Jared Tallott -> 0 points
If you don't see your result here it's because you posted your answer too late. Next time do it in time ;)

POINTS: 1st - 3
2nd - 5
3rd - 10

HOW IT WORKS: the aim of the game is simply predict who comes where in the race (top3). A total of 18 points can be won on a race day. If you get winner and and 3rd place right but 2nd wrong you get 13 points same if you get 1 correct. eg. 2nd you get 5 points. If a driver wins the race and you said he would come 2nd or 3rd no points would be awarded. Same if he came in another position, and you predicted that wrong. A table will be posted up every race weekend. The point scoring system will change once the cars become more competitive. Everyone will say a merc 1,2 so it won't be close or fun.

HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR PREDICTIONS: send an email to or message the Facebook page to submit your predictions. You have until lights out to make them. If you submit them when the race has started they won't count. So be quick! like the Mercedes.

THE PRIZE: the winner of the league will win themselves a admin place on the F1 4 LIFE page along side JT, AE & MW. If you don't want to be an admin you are welcome to participate anyway. We may also come up with some other prize if it helps.