Check this out! I just bought this today for 19 euros and it was worth every penny. I could have paid even more for this one because this game is fun as hell!
I heard about this for the first time in November or December if I remember correctly. It came out around christmas and was about 60 euros.
Now it is August already so I guess this game is now "old" or "outdated" and they are selling all the remaining games very cheep.
If you have no idea what this game is then this is a Formula One game made in the same style as the Super Mario Kart games. I love Super Mario Kart and I am very good at it so this game should be a walk in the park for me. This is way cooler though because you don't have to be Mario, Luigi, Yoshi or the princess. You can play as any Formula One driver from the 2012 season!
I haven't played this that much yet but I tried out on a few tracks. I was a few times second and won a race as well. The problem in the beginning was that I didn't really understand everything.
In Super Mario Kart your car is in the same condition from the beginning till the end. This game makes it more difficult. Your car breaks down sometimes and then you have to go to the pits and repair it.
This means that you can't just go straight. You must really overtake your opponents and not crash into them and then suddenly you are in front of them like in Super Mario Kart.
This game is made by Codemasters. They also have official versions of Formula One every year.
In two months the F1 2013 will come out and then I probably gotta get that one as well.
Everybody who own a Playstation 3 usually buy a lot of shooting games and stuff like that. I am not one of those persons. I only buy fighting games and sports games. If you want some examples then here is a few: Mortal Kombat, UFC, Tekken, Street Fighter, FIFA, NHL, F1.
I just love to beat up imaginary ninjas or to be the fastest man on the planet (in my living room).
When I have parties there's almost always somebody who puts the Playstation on and then all the guys are kicking each others asses in different games. The girls usually just complain that we are boring and after a while some of them want's to join us too.
If you want to see some footage of my newest Formula One game then check this YouTube-video.
Watch it in full screen by clicking on the YouTube logo to enable all the usual settings.